Fiducia: Unlocking Access to Funds through Supply Chain Financing

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Re-setting the pace and scale of African growth

Fiducia was founded with the express purpose of leveling the playing field for business owners in Africa by unlocking the value of their supply chains. 

The International Finance Corporation currently estimates the value of Nigeria’s existing supply chain financing sector at around NGN 3 trillion. If the country’s currently largely excluded SME supply chains could be bought into play, an additional NGN 9 trillion could be unlocked for Nigeria’s economy.

As such, 2023 is set to be an exciting year for Fiducia as we embark on our mission to leverage technology to provide SMEs unfiltered access to working capital. 

Fiducia is a platform that connects corporate buyers, suppliers and financiers in a digital marketplace where invoices can be financed and traded. By leveraging the credit profiles of their corporate buyers Fiducia provides suppliers access to lowest-cost financing while preserving the liquidity of corporate buyers.

For corporate buyers and suppliers alike, Fiducia strengthens cashflow without impacting client on-balance sheet loan profiles. For financiers, Fiducia provides access to a deep pool of previously overlooked corporates and newly de-risked suppliers seeking financing.

Historically, smaller businesses and mid-cap corporates:

  • wasted resources on complex, time-consuming funding application processes that seldom deliver desired results
  • missed real opportunities while affordable capital failed to materialise on time
  • found only limited appetite for lending amongst traditional finance institutions
  • suffered high borrowing costs, turning even good business opportunities into failures

Today, Fiducia’s supply chain financing platform effectively opens a new funding channel to a previously under-served smaller business and mid-sized corporate market. Transforming access to liquidity by providing low-cost funding to previously underserved suppliers and corporate buyers, Fiducia is successfully driving growth by broadening financial inclusion.

As a much wider pool of small and mid-sized businesses enter Africa’s financial markets on the same terms and rates previously only available to large corporates, rapidly expanding financial inclusion will set the continent on a higher growth path, catalysing business growth by unlocking new opportunity.

In line with the commitment to trust reflected in our name, Fiducia is thoroughly compliant with Nigerian and leading global best practice data protection regulations. Accessible across a range of devices Fiducia leverages technology to link businesses to a wide network of alternative funding sources concurrently. Following the highest standards of data privacy and security, the Fiducia funding platform is also supported by an effective legal framework adding to financier protection.

Fiducia’s transformational proposition is attracting the interest and support of leading African financial service partners. Today, Fiducia’s financial services and funding partner ecosystem includes many of Africa’s top developmental finance institutions, equally committed to solving Africa’s supply-chain finance challenges. Fiducia is the game changer that will assist Africa’s historically underfunded SMEs and mid-sized corporates access the continent’s formal capital markets driving broadly inclusive transformational growth.